Waiting on the world to change...

Monday, December 6, 2010

Birth Day!

Weston Lewis was born on Saturday, December 4, 2010 at 10:52pm. He weighed in at 7lbs, 13oz and was 19.5 inches long!

All along I had told him I wanted to work through Friday so that my leave wouldn't start until Monday at the earliest. Yes, it was my wishful thinking that he might arrive a bit early. I woke up Friday feeling "funny" and the nurse at my school told me that it was a good sign! Two people that day also told me that the shape of my bump had changed shape. After work I went to the gym and walked on the treadmill for half an hour before heading home to enjoy Friday evening.

Saturday morning I woke up around 6am with contractions that started about 10 minutes apart. Around 8am, they started coming fairly consistently every 5 minutes and after a few hours, I called my midwife, Katherine, to let her know. She said everything sounded like it was progressing smoothly and to call her again when they were 2 - 4 minutes apart. Around 4pm, they were coming every 1 - 3 minutes and getting more intense. Katherine had to drop some things off near Willowbrook for some home visits and she said she would call me back when she was headed to Nativiti unless there was an emergency and then I should call her. She called around 5:20ish and was ready to head to Nativiti to meet us. We arrived around 6:00 and she checked me before we started bringing everything in. I hadn't had an internal since 36 weeks but when she checked me I was 5cm and 90% effaced so we were headed in the right direction.

I labored for the next few hours and was 8cm after about 3 hours. Everyone kept telling me what a great job I was doing. Katherine told me that no one was going to believe that I was having contractions if I kept joking around and laughing. Things definitely got more and more intense as they progressed but I was focused on my breathing and staying relaxed. My mom and Justin were amazing at helping me through things.

A little while after that, I decided I was ready to get in the tub so Katherine filled up the tub while Justing got changed. I labored in the tub with him for a little over an hour. We used the jets for awhile and then I just rested against him as things got more and more intense. Eventually I felt a popping feeling after a contraction and my water had broken! Katherine checked me and I was 9.5cm. Pretty quickly I told Justin he needed to get out of the tub and after 20 minutes of pushing on my hands and knees, Weston made his debut!

The pushing stage was the most intense and the most challenging part for me. At one point I asked if the head was the biggest part that had to come out and apparently amused everyone. I just needed help to focus on the end goal and telling myself that Weston was going to be in my arms soon. Then he was out and crying like crazy!  Justin got to cut the cord though I don't know how he was able to see through the tears he couldn't stop crying! It was amazing to hold Weston and see what he looked like. It was indescribable to finally have him in my arms. He was so perfect and beautiful.

After I held him for awhile, they took him over to the bed in the birthing room to check him over while I finished birthing the placenta and everything that needed to be done. Then I moved to the bed and held him again. We worked on nursing pretty quickly after that. He is definitely a strong sucker. The most challenging part is getting his fingers out of his mouth! My mom held Weston while I got sutured up as I did have some tearing. That was the part that was actually the most stressful for me!

I feel blessed to have been able to have the natural, med-free, complication-free birth that I planned on having. We got discharged about 2.5 hours after Weston was born and go home around 3am on Sunday morning, less than 24 hours after everything began! We truly are blessed by God.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

39 weeks!

How far along: 39 weeks and contracting! D-day is a week away but it looks like we may be meeting him pretty soon!

How big is baby: According to the Bump, Weston is about the size of a watermelon from week 37 to birth. Average size is 18.9 - 20.9 inches and 6.2 - 9.2 pounds! He spends these last weeks in preparation for the outside world… meaning careful refinement of the blink, suck, inhale and exhale. Meconium, which I’ll probably find in the first diaper, is accumulating in the intestines. If (okay, as) I worry about giving birth, consider what it’s like for the little one. During the journey out of my womb, he will produce more stress hormones than any other time in life.

Weight Loss/Gain: Up 32 pounds.

Maternity Clothes: Nothing much is very comfortable these days except Justin's t-shirts.

Next appointment: Wednesday, December 8th if we make it that long!

Movement: He was still very active this week. This morning he has been moving although it is definitely slower!

Food cravings:  Sweets! Sweets! Sweets!

Food aversions: Still having the water issue though mixing it with juice works great!

Best Moment this Week: I got to leave early from work on Friday as a holiday gift! That was nice. I headed straight for the treadmill at the gym!

Worst Moment this Week: Returning to work on Monday wore me out and on Tuesday I was horribly exhausted and just felt pretty bad. Luckily, I was feeling much better on Wednesday.

What am I looking forward to: I'm definitely looking forward to going to my next appointment where I will get checked, although as of right now it seems like I may not make it to that appointment! In that case, I'm looking forward to meeting my little boy!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

38 weeks!

How far along: 38 weeks and only 14 days until D-day!

How big is baby: According to the Bump, Weston is about the size of a watermelon from week 37 to birth. Average size is 18.9 - 20.9 inches and 6.2 - 9.2 pounds! He spends these last weeks in preparation for the outside world… meaning careful refinement of the blink, suck, inhale and exhale. Meconium, which I’ll probably find in the first diaper, is accumulating in the intestines. If (okay, as) I worry about giving birth, consider what it’s like for the little one. During the journey out of my womb, he will produce more stress hormones than any other time in life.

Weight Loss/Gain: Up 31 pounds.

Maternity Clothes: Nothing much is very comfortable these days except Justin's t-shirts.

Next appointment: Wednesday, December 1st! I didn't have an internal last week, so I'm thinking I will have one this week. I'm also looking forward to getting measured as I was measuring a little small last week.

Movement: He's still moving all around despite the fact he that he doesn't have much room!

Food cravings: Back to the sweets although I really need to focus and not eat everything sweet in sight!

Food aversions: I haven't been in the mood to drink water this week unless it has some juice in it. Although there have been times this week that I'm not hungry at all.

Best Moment this Week: It was nice to have the week off from work to relax a bit.

Worst Moment this Week: I had a few days where I didn't feel well. Thursday I woke up with a bad cough but it seemed to just be a one day thing thankfully! I also didn't eat or drink enough on Friday and ended up in bed with a headache. I definitely have to make sure I'm eating and drinking right now even if I don't feel like it!

What am I looking forward to: Going to my next appointment on Wednesday and getting off work a little early on Friday as a little gift from administration at school!

Monday, November 22, 2010

37 weeks, 2 days

I had my 37 week appointment today and everything seems to be going smoothly. I didn't have an internal today so I don't know if I'm more dilated or effaced. My fundal measurement was 35.5 but my midwife didn't seem concerned. I looked it up on the internet when I got home and found out that near the end of pregnancy measurements depend on a lot of things can vary 1-2 centimeters either way. I also read that if the baby has dropped, the measurement could be smaller as well. I have been measuring right on track through the pregnancy so this was a bit of a change, but since the midwife wasn't concerned, I'm not too concerned either. Weston is still moving around a lot and his head was still down and low. I go back next Wednesday to see how things are going. My midwife did say something about when she thought I might deliver and it was the first time she'd mentioned anything. She said she thinks he'll come right around his due date, so 19 days or so!

We also met with a pediatrician today and really liked her. Weston will need to go in to the pediatrician within 48 hours of birth so it was good to click with the one we met today. We will try her out and hopefully everything will continue to click! The practice is unique in that the doctors are certified in both pediatrics and internal medicine so she could actually see Justin and I too if we like her.

At Nativiti today, I saw a woman from my birthing class and she had her baby with her! I believe she was due right around the time we're due. I got a chance to talk to her before we left and the baby had come early and she actually had to be transferred and ended up having a c-section. But she said everyone was healthy and that is what is so important. I will be praying for them that things continue to go smoothly as they were a very nice couple who had had some difficult times in the past. Thank God that their little girl is healthy even if she did come early!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

37 weeks!

How far along: 37 weeks! We are full term!

How big is baby: According to the Bump, Weston is about the size of a watermelon from week 37 to birth. Average size is 18.9 - 20.9 inches and 6.2 - 9.2 pounds! He spends these last weeks in preparation for the outside world… meaning careful refinement of the blink, suck, inhale and exhale. Meconium, which I’ll probably find in the first diaper, is accumulating in the intestines. If (okay, as) I worry about giving birth, consider what it’s like for the little one. During the journey out of my womb, he will produce more stress hormones than any other time in life.

Weight Loss/Gain: Up 31 pounds.

Maternity Clothes: Nothing much is very comfortable these days except Justin's t-shirts.

Next appointment: Monday, November 22nd!

Movement: He's still moving all around despite the fact he that he doesn't have much room!

Food cravings: Back to the sweets although I really need to focus and not eat everything sweet in sight!

Food aversions: I haven't been in the mood to drink water this week unless it has some juice in it.

Best Moment this Week: It was exciting to find out that I was 1cm dilated. Although I could stay that way for weeks, it was just a sign that things are beginning to happen! I also got to attend the Breastfeeding class, just up at the hospital!

Worst Moment this Week: On Sunday, Weston must have been on my sciatic nerve because I had some intense hip and leg pain,

What am I looking forward to: Having this entire week of from work for Thanksgiving break! I'm also looking forward to having a meet and greet with a pediatrician on Monday and going to Nativiti to get checked again!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

36 weeks, 3 days

Today I went to my 36 week appointment at Nativiti. I saw Katherine and she measured me and we listened to Weston's heartbeat. Everything is measuring well and he had a nice strong heartbeat. His back is curved along my right side with his legs up near my ribs on the left and his head down. When I labor, I need to labor on my left side, on my hands and knees, or in forward leaning positions to encourage Weston to turn his back towards the front and not towards my back which could end up with back labor. We also discussed my birth plan, including who would be in the room, which room I would prefer, whether or not photos being taken in the room was okay with me, and if Justin wanted to be involved in catching Weston and cutting the cord. It was amazing and exciting to be answering these types of questions! Katherine also checked me internally and I am 1cm dilated this week. My next appointment is Monday so we will see what the news is then! I'm officially going to appointments every week now! We only have 25 days left until December 11th, although I may have given Weston permission to make his debut anytime after December 4th. I'm sure he'll be a very obedient little boy and follow all of my directions on this matter!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

36 weeks!

How far along: 36 weeks and 4 weeks until our due date!

How big is baby: According to the Bump, Weston is about the size of a honeydew during weeks 33 - 36. Average size is 17.2 - 18.7 inches and 4.2- 5.8 pounds! His senses are continuing to improve -- when light peeks in through my (extremely) stretched belly, his tiny eyelids and irises blink and dilate. And, he can now recognize and react to simple songs… time to start practicing lullabies! Growth (at least inside the womb) is starting to slow, and I may notice baby descend into the pelvis at the end of this month.

Weight Loss/Gain: Up 29 pounds.

Maternity Clothes: Yep although some things aren't as comfortable as they used to be!

Next appointment: Tuesday, November 16th and then I start going every week!

Movement: He's still moving all around. I wish I could see him and see what he's doing.

Food cravings: I'm trying to focus on keeping my protein intake high and not just eat cookies and cupcakes as they show up at work.

Food aversions: I haven't been in the mood to drink water this week unless it has some juice in it.

Best Moment this Week: I got Weston's baby book in the mail and started working on filling in some of the pages. I splurged on one from Etsy, but I really liked it!

Worst Moment this Week: I was bummed out because our Breastfeeding Class was canceled as we were the only ones registered. I was also sick for most of the week.

What am I looking forward to:I have one more week of work and then I have the entire week of Thanksgiving off! After that, we're headed into December and getting closer to Weston's arrival!

Saturday, November 6, 2010


How far along: 35 weeks and only 35 days until due date!

How big is baby: According to the Bump, Weston is about the size of a honeydew during weeks 33 - 36. Average size is 17.2 - 18.7 inches and 4.2- 5.8 pounds! His senses are continuing to improve -- when light peeks in through my (extremely) stretched belly, his tiny eyelids and irises blink and dilate. And, he can now recognize and react to simple songs… time to start practicing lullabies! Growth (at least inside the womb) is starting to slow, and I may notice baby descend into the pelvis at the end of this month.

Weight Loss/Gain: Up 27 pounds.

Maternity Clothes: Yep although some things aren't as comfortable as they used to be!

Next appointment: Tuesday, November 16th and then I start going every week!

Movement: He's definitely still moving and shaking! He kept me awake one night last week with his activity.

Food cravings: Still trying to be good with the sweets. I blame all the Halloween candy that has been around.

Food aversions: Not this week!

Best Moment this Week: I had a baby shower at school and everyone was so generous. It was really touching to know so many people are excited about Weston's arrival! Plus, Justin got to come!

Worst Moment this Week: Had another bloody nose which isn't too bad, but is something I never really dealt with before pregnancy.

What am I looking forward to: Breastfeeding class this week. I'm really interested in learning more so I can be best prepared for success in this area!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

34 weeks!

How far along: 34 weeks! Only 6 weeks until D-day!

How big is baby: According to the Bump, Weston is about the size of a honeydew during weeks 33 - 36. Average size is 17.2 - 18.7 inches and 4.2- 5.8 pounds! His senses are continuing to improve -- when light peeks in through my (extremely) stretched belly, his tiny eyelids and irises blink and dilate. And, he can now recognize and react to simple songs… time to start practicing lullabies! Growth (at least inside the womb) is starting to slow, and I may notice baby descend into the pelvis at the end of this month.

Weight Loss/Gain: I'm up around 26 pounds now which is right on track for about 32 gained if I continue to gain a pound a week.

Maternity Clothes: Yep! Also bought my first nursing tank and nursing bra this weekend!

Next appointment: This Wednesday, November 3rd. I'm going every two weeks now!

Movement: Despite everything I read about him running out of room, he's still an active little guy. He continues to have the hiccups one more more time a day too.

Food cravings: Sweets! I need to calm down in this area or I will be putting on the pounds before I know it!

Food aversions: Not exactly an aversion, but I've learned that my mexican days may be over for the next 6 weeks or at least my salsa days. The spicy food did not sit well with me last night.

Best Moment this Week: We finished our birthing class this week and learned all about what will go on after Weston was born. It was exciting and yet another experience that felt right to me. We've definitely made the right decision by going with Nativiti.

Worst Moment this Week: I've been battling nausea in the evenings again although last night was my first real bout with heartburn after eating some spicy salsa. I was pretty miserable.

What am I looking forward to: I have a baby shower at work this week and Justin will actually be with me at school that day, so that is exciting! I'm also looking forward to going to my appointment on Wednesday.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Giveaway win!

I forgot to update about this but a few weeks ago, I won another blog giveaway! I won a PlanetWise wet/dry bag which was great because I had already ordered a PlanetWise wet bag for in Weston's room, but needed one for downstairs! I chose the Geometric Studio print for downstairs. It's nice to win something you were going to purchase anyway!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

33 weeks!

How far along: 33 weeks with just 7 until our due date!

How big is baby: According to the Bump, Weston is about the size of a honeydew during weeks 33 - 36. Average size is 17.2 - 18.7 inches and 4.2- 5.8 pounds! His senses are continuing to improve -- when light peeks in through my (extremely) stretched belly, his tiny eyelids and irises blink and dilate. And, he can now recognize and react to simple songs… time to start practicing lullabies! Growth (at least inside the womb) is starting to slow, and I may notice baby descend into the pelvis at the end of this month.

Weight Loss/Gain: Weighing in this weekend, I'm up about 24 but I think overall it's more consistently between 25 - 26 pounds.

Maternity Clothes: Yep!

Next appointment: November 3rd. I'm going every two weeks now!

Movement: He's still rolling all around despite everything I read about how he should be running out of room.

Food cravings: Just enjoying sweets, as usual. I'm also enjoying these egg breakfast sandwiches that weight watchers makes. They are like egg mcmuffins without any meat.

Food aversions: Nothing much this week.

Best Moment this Week: Measuring right on track at my appointment and I also got to hear Weston's nice strong heartbeat! I was also excited on Friday when we hit the 50 days left mark!

Worst Moment this Week: I didn't feel very well on Thursday. I was tired and nauseous all day. My red raspberry leaf tea seems to help a bit though.

What am I looking forward to: I'm looking forward to our final birthing class because we will be one step closer to Weston's arrival. I'm also taking a breastfeeding class in November that I'm hoping will be very informative.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

32 weeks!

How far along: 32 weeks and only 8 to go until our due date!

How big is baby: According to the Bump, Weston is about the size of a squash during weeks 29 - 32. Average size is 15.2 - 16.7 inches and 2.5 - 3.8 pounds! His energy is surging, thanks to the formation of white fat deposits beneath the skin. He is also settling into sleep and waking cycles. All five senses are finally functional, and the brain and nervous system are going through major developments.

Weight Loss/Gain: 24-25 pounds gained so far. I've gained like 5 since my last appointment.

Maternity Clothes: Yep!

Next appointment: October 19th.

Movement: Weston has the hiccups at least once, if not twice a day! He's still a mover and shaker.

Food cravings: I've been really enjoying raw broccoli this week.

Food aversions: Nothing much this week.

Best Moment this Week: Not baby related, but passing the exam I needed to pass to be cleared by my grad school to take the principal certification test. The end is so close! I just have to finish my current class and take one more, then I will have my master's and once I pass my principal's test, I will be certified to be an administrator!

Worst Moment this Week: Sleeping is beginning to be a challenge!

What am I looking forward to: I have another baby shower next weekend and I'm really looking forward to seeing some of the people who are invited!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Storybook Shower

Last Saturday, my MIL and SIL hosted a beautiful shower for me and Weston. The shower had a storybook theme and it was so adorable. The weather was perfect for the shower to be outside and it was just a beautiful day. We received so many generous gifts and it was so touching to know how loved Weston will be by both family and friends. I felt extremely blessed by the entire event. We are very prepared for Weston's arrival after all of the gifts we received and I also got to enjoy some wonderful food and cake! It was a fabulous day and I am so thankful to both my MIL and SIL for taking the time to plan such a beautiful event for me.

Birthing Class, week 2

Last night we went to our second birthing class. When we got to Nativiti, there was a family who had just had a baby a few hours before. They were eating their meal and the mom was walking around with the new little boy. It was amazing to see the newborn and to see how good the mom looked. The family headed home right after birthing class started, just about 4 hours after the birth. It's amazing to think that in just about 8 weeks or so, it will be our turn!

Birthing class was good last night. We discussed the early stages of labor and practiced some different comfort positions and techniques. We did our breath awareness activity with the ice cubes again and it was better than week one. I need to practice my breath awareness more and more though. We also got to roleplay where the dads were pregnant and the moms were supposed to be the comforters. I wasn't too great at that as all I did was laugh the whole time and the way Justin was moaning. I think he will be a much better comforter than I was! I was touched by the fact that later in the night he said that he wished he could just feel what a contraction really felt like so he would know.

It's hard to believe that with our second class over, we're already halfway done with birthing class! November will be here before we know it and we will be in the final stretches of this pregnancy. I remember how far away it seemed when we first found out in March and now I will probably be holding Weston in less than 60 days!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

31 weeks!

How far along: 31 weeks, now we're in the single digits -- 9 weeks until our due date!

How big is baby: According to the Bump, Weston is about the size of a squash during weeks 29 - 32. Average size is 15.2 - 16.7 inches and 2.5 - 3.8 pounds! His energy is surging, thanks to the formation of white fat deposits beneath the skin. He is also settling into sleep and waking cycles. All five senses are finally functional, and the brain and nervous system are going through major developments.

Weight Loss/Gain: Up about 24 pounds. I had a very tired week and wasn't as active as usual.

Maternity Clothes: Yep!

Next appointment: October 19th.

Movement: Weston has the hiccups almost everyday now.

Food cravings: Sweets! And chips and salsa.

Food aversions: Nothing much this week.

Best Moment this Week: Attending our first birthing class on Wednesday! It was exciting and interesting!

Worst Moment this Week: Thursday afternoon I was so tired I could barely keep going through the afternoon.

What am I looking forward to: Baby shower today! I'm looking forward to celebrating our wonderful blessing with family and friends!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Birthing Class, Week 1

Last night was our first birthing class. The class is 3 hours long, once a week, and lasts for four weeks. I remember when it seemed like it was so far away and now it's here. It's exciting and crazy! There are 6 couples in our class. 4 are having girls, 1 isn't finding out, and then there's us with little Weston. Last night we did a number of relaxation exercises and discussed worries and concerns we had. I felt like I have less fear than some of the other women in the class. I really feel confident in my body's ability to do this. Yes, I know there will be pain but it will be a different pain than I've ever felt in my life and it will be pain with a beautiful end result.

We also did an activity where we held ice cubes in our hand for a certain amount of time. It was painful! We discussed how we felt while we held the ice cubes. Then we did it again with the other hand, but our teacher talked to use through it and guided us to focus on different things. It still hurt but the time felt a lot shorter. She assured us that it was the same amount of time! It's definitely something to remember when the time comes. Focusing on other things seems like it will be very useful.

We also got a chance to do some birth art. We were supposed to think of something that was memorable about this pregnancy and draw it. It could be anything we wanted and it could be illustrated in any way that felt right. Just drew a home pregnancy test because the first thing that came to mind was that day I sent him the picture on his phone and asked if he could see the second line. Then he added a bunch more to represent how I went a little crazy taking tests over the days that followed! That was the first moment that came to mind for me as well, but as I continued to think of other moments, the ultrasound where we first saw Weston when he was a little gummy bear came to mind. Then I thought about the ultrasound where we found out that we were having a boy. Justin told me that he cried tears of joy and that will forever be with me. So, that was what I illustrated.

It was a good class overall and I felt very comfortable. Next week I think we're going to be practicing some comfort techniques and moving around. That will definitely make everything more real!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

30 weeks!

How far along: 30 weeks which only leaves 10 weeks until the due date!

How big is baby: According to the Bump, Weston is about the size of a squash during weeks 29 - 32. Average size is 15.2 - 16.7 inches and 2.5 - 3.8 pounds! His energy is surging, thanks to the formation of white fat deposits beneath the skin. He is also settling into sleep and waking cycles. All five senses are finally functional, and the brain and nervous system are going through major developments.

Weight Loss/Gain: Up about 22 pounds which is right on track.

Maternity Clothes: Had my first day where nothing felt like it fit right despite the number of shirts I tried on.

Next appointment: October 19th.

Movement: Weston has been very active again this week. Last night he had the hiccups!

Food cravings: Bring on the sweet stuff, of course. Had some fried pickles last night and they were good.

Food aversions: Nothing much this week.

Best Moment this Week: Justin got to see Weston making my entire belly move this week!

Worst Moment this Week: I was extremely tired this entire week and had one night where I was really nauseous again.

What am I looking forward to: This crazy month! Birthing class starts on Wednesday and then a baby shower next weekend. It's crazy to think we're getting this close!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

29 weeks!

How far along: 29 weeks, 11 weeks until our due date!

How big is baby: According to the Bump, Weston is about the size of a squash during weeks 29 - 32. Average size is 15.2 - 16.7 inches and 2.5 - 3.8 pounds! His energy is surging, thanks to the formation of white fat deposits beneath the skin. He is also settling into sleep and waking cycles. All five senses are finally functional, and the brain and nervous system are going through major developments.

Weight Loss/Gain: Still hanging around about 21 pounds gained.

Maternity Clothes: Definitely! I think I'm almost out of my workout t-shirts too. It will be tank tops at the gym!

Next appointment: October 19th and then my appointments will be every 2 weeks!

Movement: Weston is extremely active now. This week has included a lot of full body rolls. It's pretty amazing.

Food cravings: Just the usual sweet tooth, especially because I was trying to be really good at the beginning of the week for my glucose test.

Food aversions: I didn't really want any chicken this week.

Best Moment this Week: I'm pretty sure I passed my glucose test! I tested my blood sugar after my appointment and it looked good. I also got to fill out the birth certificate application which made things seem that much more real!

Worst Moment this Week: I wouldn't say it's a horrible thing, but I think I'm starting to develop some minor heartburn.

What am I looking forward to: The crazy month of October! I will be so busy with a wedding to attend, baby showers to attend and host, a test to take in Beaumont for grad school, and birthing class!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

28 weeks!

How far along: 28 weeks, only 12 until our due date!

How big is baby: According to the Bump, Weston is about the size of an eggplant during weeks 25 - 28. The average size is 13.6 - 14.8 inches and 1.5 - 2.2 pounds! Inside the womb, the formation of tiny capillaries is giving him a healthy pink glow. He's also soaking up my antibodies, getting the immune system ready for life outside the womb. Eyes are forming, and he will soon perfect the blink -- perfect for batting those freshly grown lashes.

Weight Loss/Gain: I'm up about 21 pounds at this point.

Maternity Clothes: Yep!

Next appointment: September 21st and I will do my glucose test that day.

Movement: Weston is extremely active now. It's much more than a few kicks and bumps lately. It's full body rolls or something! All day long and all night long!

Food cravings: Just the usual sweet tooth.

Food aversions: Nope! This week was a good week!

Best Moment this Week: Feeling Weston move so much although when it wakes me up at night now!

Worst Moment this Week: Had some irrational crying one morning this week and that hasn't happened in awhile.

What am I looking forward to: Getting past the glucose test this week and then onto the busy month of October! My appointments will be every two weeks after this appointment! Exciting!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Nursery

We finished the nursery today! Inspired by the bedding, we went with dark furniture and bright pops of primary colors throughout the room.

The name letters are chipboard letters from Hobby Lobby that I covered with scrapbook paper.

I used wordle.net to create the artwork using song lyrics and Weston's name. The songs I decided to use are "You Are My Sunshine" and "Baby Mine." The shelves and frames came from Target.

Our changing table combo and crib are Baby Cache are Baby Chache contempo in Espresso finish. We love the brushed silver details on the legs. The artwork are prints from Etsy.

The bookcase is from IKEA and the lamp goes with the bedding set that also matches the rug and valance in the room.

Our chair is IKEA Poang in black and the side table is Lack in red! I love the pop of red! The comforter is part of the bedding set which is Zooptopia by Southern Living. It was the first thing we bought for the nursery.

Fluffy mail!

A few weeks ago, I won a blog giveaway for 2 Comfy Rumps one size cloth diapers. They are from Canada, so it took awhile for them to arrive but when I checked the mail yesterday, they were here! I got one in white and one in orange (love it) and both are snaps. They are definitely cut on the larger size, so it will probably be awhile before we use them but I'm interested in try them as they are a very affordable option.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

27 weeks!

How far along: 27 weeks and we're in third trimester!

How big is baby: According to the Bump, Weston is about the size of an eggplant during weeks 25 - 28. The average size is 13.6 - 14.8 inches and 1.5 - 2.2 pounds! Inside the womb, the formation of tiny capillaries is giving him a healthy pink glow. He's also soaking up my antibodies, getting the immune system ready for life outside the womb. Eyes are forming, and he will soon perfect the blink -- perfect for batting those freshly grown lashes.

Weight Loss/Gain: I've gained about 17.5 pounds. Not much change from last week.

Maternity Clothes: Yep!

Next appointment: September 21st and I will do my glucose test that day.

Movement: Weston is extremely active throughout the day! He's definitely moved up so I'm feeling him move in different places now.

Food cravings: Nothing new, just enjoying sweets still.

Food aversions: Nothing although my time eating Mexican may be over for awhile. I'm not sure it's sitting with me that well anymore.

Best Moment this Week: Making it to third trimester. It feels surreal but so exciting!

Worst Moment this Week: I was pretty worn out during the beginning of the week this week, but got more energy later in the week.

What am I looking forward to: The month of October! It's going to be very busy, but exciting too. We will begin our birthing class, have a wedding to attend, baby showers, and I have a practice principal test to take!

Friday, September 10, 2010

26 weeks, 6 days! Third trimester!

Today is the first day of third trimester! It seems like just yesterday that got my first faint positive test. Now there are just 92 days left until our due date!

I had a beautiful dream last night. My Nana was in the dream and it was extremely vivid. I could see her and hear her. Weston was also in the dream and he was talking some. He called her Grandma and I told him that he name was Nana. He squealed and smiled so big and said (very loudly), "Nana!" and she just smiled at him as she held him. It was a truly moving dream for me. Of course, it had the weird dream aspects as well like the fact that he was pretty sturdy and obviously not a newborn, but I was telling everyone how he had just been born. In the dream, I also couldn't remember exactly what day he'd been born. I think we finally figured out that was December 20th. I think he was supposed to be three days old or so in the dream, and already talking! Dreams are definitely interesting things, but it was wonderful to see Nana and to see her holding my son.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

26 weeks!

How far along: 26 weeks! This week is my last week in 2nd trimester!

How big is baby: According to the Bump, Weston is about the size of an eggplant during weeks 25 - 28. The average size is 13.6 - 14.8 inches and 1.5 - 2.2 pounds! Inside the womb, the formation of tiny capillaries is giving him a healthy pink glow. He's also soaking up my antibodies, getting the immune system ready for life outside the womb. Eyes are forming, and he will soon perfect the blink -- perfect for batting those freshly grown lashes.

Weight Loss/Gain: I've gained about 17.5 pounds. Not much change from last week.

Maternity Clothes: My SIL gave me some more clothes to borrow and I found some good pieces in her stuff so now I have more variety to get me through the beginning of the school year.

Next appointment: September 21st and I will do my glucose test that day.

Movement: Weston is definitely a busy boy throughout the day, especially in the evenings.

Food cravings: No cravings exactly but I'm still enjoying peanut butter a lot. Baked cheetos are also amazing!

Food aversions: Made some tilapia for dinner one night this week and it was not working for me!

Best Moment this Week: We're down to double digits! As of today, there are only 98 days until my due date! I was also amused this week when Weston was moving and Justin laid his head on my stomach only to get kicked right in the head!

Worst Moment this Week: I didn't feel very good on Wednesday night, but luckily woke up feeling just fine the next morning!

What am I looking forward to: Finishing Weston's room! We ran out of supplies last week but now we have everything we need to finish up. We're also getting ready to work on painting and decorating the master bath.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

25 weeks, 5 days - 100 days left!

As of today there are only 100 days left until my due date! It seems like just yesterday that we found out we were pregnant. I feel Weston moving every day and it's still amazing. I don't know how active other babies are but he is definitely a mover and shaker! I wish I could see what he's doing in there because he seems to be having a good time! My goals for the next 100 days are to stay active, eat healthy, and enjoy every moment (even the challenging ones)! I feel truly blessed to have a healthy little boy and a wonderfully supportive family. I am so blessed!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

25 weeks

How far along: 25 weeks!

How big is baby: According to the Bump, Weston is about the size of an eggplant during weeks 25 - 28. The average size is 13.6 - 14.8 inches and 1.5 - 2.2 pounds! Inside the womb, the formation of tiny capillaries is giving him a healthy pink glow. He's also soaking up my antibodies, getting the immune system ready for life outside the womb. Eyes are forming, and he will soon perfect the blink -- perfect for batting those freshly grown lashes.

Weight Loss/Gain: I've gained about 17.5 pounds.

Maternity Clothes: Definitely!

Next appointment: September 21st and I will do my glucose test that day.

Movement: Yes, tons of it now! Weston doesn't like when I wear pants with a waistband and is happy to let me know it!

Food cravings: No cravings, although I have discovered how good miniature semi-sweet chocolate chips are which could be dangerous!

Food aversions: Nothing in particular.

Best Moment this Week: A little girl at school asked me if I was having a baby. She is the first one of the students that don't know to ask me! It definitely made me smile!

Worst Moment this Week: Thursday was a rough day for me as the fatigue of the week caught up with me.

What am I looking forward to: We have everything for the nursery walls and once it's all up, the nursery will be done! I cannot wait to take pictures!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

24 weeks, 4 days

I had my 24 week appointment at Nativiti yesterday and when I got there they asked if we were doing the follow-up ultrasound. I was definitely okay with that so she got me in the computer and we were ready. It was wonderful to get to see Weston again. He has grown so much since last month! Oh, and he's still very much a boy. He's not the biggest fan of the ultrasound though and started kicking away. She was able to get his head measurements that we missed last time and she got his face before he decided to turn his head to us and refuse to turn back. She said he has a very nicely shaped head and his nose and upper lip look good. She took his "Halloween picture" when he was facing us once and with the dark hollow spots for eyes he definitely looked ready for Halloween. I also got a very clear picture of one of his ears! I was happy to see that everything looks good with our boy, I love him so much already.

Next month is the dreaded glucose test! I get to do it in the afternoon and just need to eat high protein before the appointment. Then I will drink the glucola and watch a video on birth experiences for an hour before they draw my blood. I am optimistic that my results will be good, although I am not looking forward to drinking the glucola!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

24 weeks

How far along: 24 weeks!

How big is baby: According to the Bump, Weston is about the size of a papaya during weeks 22 - 24. The average size is 10.5 - 11.8 inches and 12.7 - 20.8 ounces. He is now able to hear outside noise from the womb and his face is fully formed! He's also starting to settle into sleep cycles, sleeping 12 to 14 hours a day.

Weight Loss/Gain: I've gained about 17 pounds.

Maternity Clothes: Definitely.

Next appointment: August 24th.

Movement: Yes, tons of it now.

Food cravings: Nothing in particular though I did have a piece of cake at work this week that tasted so good.

Food aversions: Nothing much this week.

Best Moment this Week: I'm still enjoying feeling Weston move. It helped me get through a stressful week back at work. I also found a hat for Weston that has a shark on the front and a shark fin on top! Oh, and I also won a few cloth diapers in a blog giveaway this week!

Worst Moment this Week: Nothing baby related, just stress at work. Although my hip pain was bothering me on Friday.

What am I looking forward to: We think we decided what to put on the empty wall of the nursery so I'm excited to finish getting everything and putting it all up!

I actually took my first bare bump photo this week and plan to do so each month now. there is a bump there!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

23 weeks

How far along: 23 weeks!

How big is baby: According to the Bump, Weston is about the size of a papaya during weeks 22 - 24. The average size is 10.5 - 11.8 inches and 12.7 - 20.8 ounces. He is now able to hear outside noise from the womb and his face is fully formed! He's also starting to settle into sleep cycles, sleeping 12 to 14 hours a day.

Weight Loss/Gain: I've gained about 15.5 pounds so far. People at work this week asked where I was hiding the baby!

Maternity Clothes: Going back to work this week so I'll get to try out some of my new clothes.

Next appointment: August 24th.

Movement: Yes!!

Food cravings: Apples and peanut butter have been a staple the past few weeks.

Food aversions: Nothing much this week.

Best Moment this Week: Really starting to feel Weston move a lot and kick pretty hard.

Worst Moment this Week: Just dealing with the on and off nausea still. Some days I have nothing and then some days are almost as bad as it was in 1st trimester.

What am I looking forward to: Finishing up the nursery! I didn't get to work on it this past week as I had some trainings for school, some setting up at school, and wrapping up my current grad school class. 3 classes to go!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

22 weeks!

How far along: 22 weeks!

How big is baby: According to the Bump, Weston is about the size of a papaya during weeks 22 - 24. The average size is 10.5 - 11.8 inches and 12.7 - 20.8 ounces. He is now able to hear outside noise from the womb and his face is fully formed! He's also starting to settle into sleep cycles, sleeping 12 to 14 hours a day. Well, I know when he's awake for sure! Usually mid-day and late evening. I think he may be moving around at night sometimes too, especially on the nights I toss and turn a lot.

Weight Loss/Gain: I'm up 13.5 pounds as of today. It definitely fluctuates throughout the week though.

Maternity Clothes: Got some pants for work, so I think I'm set now!

Next appointment: August 24th.

Movement: Yes!!

Food cravings: Burger King onion rings are good! I'm definitely trying to watch what I eat though so I can have those little splurges.

Food aversions: Just the usual low tolerance for large amounts of chicken.

Best Moment this Week: Baby related, buying some clothes for Weston has been exciting. I also cut the scrapbook paper to go on the name letters for his room! Non-baby related, it has been nice to have my brother visiting this week!

Worst Moment this Week: Just dealing with the on and off nausea still! Oh, and I may have cried over a hamburger that wasn't prepared the way I asked for it.

What am I looking forward to: Finishing up the nursery!

Friday, August 6, 2010

21 weeks, 6 days

About two weeks ago, I ordered some summer clothes from Gymboree that were on clearance. I also had a coupon, so I got a great deal! Plus, they are so adorable. Weston is going to be decked out next summer! I think Gymboree and Carter's are my favorite clothing places for boys!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

21 weeks

How far along: 21 weeks!

How big is baby: According to the Bump, Weston is about the size of a banana! The average size is 10.5 inches and 12.7 ounces. He's definitely weighing in at a little more than that!

Weight Loss/Gain: I'm up 13 pounds. At my last appointment the midwife said I should be gaining about a pound a week for the rest of the pregnancy to support healthy growth and breastfeeding.

Maternity Clothes: Still wearing my shorts and have gotten a good little collection ready for work to start again in the next few weeks.

Next appointment: August 24th.

Movement: I've been feeling a lot of movement and on Friday night my mom and I felt the biggest kick or punch or whatever it was!

Food cravings: I still like sweets and Arby's.

Food aversions: Nothing that I can really think of this week.

Best Moment this Week: Find out that we're having a little boy! It was amazing to see him moving about and to see that everything is developing correctly. I also enjoyed going out and buying him some gender specific clothes!

Worst Moment this Week: Just dealing with the on and off nausea still!

What am I looking forward to: My brother is coming to visit so that will keep me busy but I'm also looking forward to finishing the name letters for the nursery!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

20 weeks, 5 days

Yesterday we had our anatomy scan. It was the first time to see the baby since we got to see the little gummi bear ultrasound at about 9 weeks. We had definitely decided to find out the gender and the very first shot when the ultrasound began was the money shot. It's a boy! His name will be Weston Lewis Moon. We had been deciding between Weston and Brennan and really liked that Weston also gave us the nickname option of Wes. So, Weston it is!

It was amazing to see all of the details. The little fists, the arms and legs, the profile! Oh and the four chambers of the heart! It definitely brought tears to my eyes. Everything looked healthy and he weighed about 14 ounces which sounded big to me but they said it was right on track! The only thing we couldn't get a good look at was the brain, but the midwife said we would just take another look later on. We also listened to his heartbeat during my appointment and it was up around 160! Everything else is on track with me as well. My weight gain and diet is going well. She said I should be gaining about a pound a week now for the rest of the pregnancy!

It is all very overwhelming and exciting for me. Seeing him and naming him made it all just that much real for me. It is exciting and scary all at the same time. In about 4 months I will be responsible for this little guy. Such a blessing and so powerful. It's definitely put me in an emotional state!

I went out and purchased the letters and scrapbook paper for his name. We're probably going to hang it above the crib. Now that we know his name we can go ahead and finish the nursery. I will post pictures as soon as it is complete! This crazy and amazing adventure is going so quickly. I cannot imagine how quickly the next few months will pass with the beginning of the new school year and the holidays!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

The first 5 months

20 weeks!!

How far along: 20 weeks! Half-baked!

How big is baby: Our little one is the size of a cantaloupe, about 6.5 inches and 10.6 ounces.

Weight Loss/Gain: I've gained a little bit over 11 pounds at this point and I'm feeling on track with that.

Maternity Clothes: Yes, but just my shorts, my purple dress I love, and one shirt. Otherwise I've been working out in my old clothes and wearing old t-shirts. I wore my jeans one day but I'm definitely not used to them yet!

Next appointment: July 28th! We're going to be going in for the big ultrasound!

Movement: I started feeling movement on Tuesday this week. It was amazing! Justin and my mom were both able to feel the baby from the outside too!

Food cravings: Sweets, of course! Tried very hard to eat good this week, but I had a vanilla milkshake that was wonderful.

Food aversions: Had a few days where chicken held no appeal again. This is still a day-to-day thing because there are days when chicken sounds great.

Best Moment this Week: Feeling the baby move for the first time. Also, hearing the heartbeat at home on our doppler. Oh, and in non-baby related news, Justin passed a test that it was really important for him to pass for some career related things he's working on!

Worst Moment this Week: Just dealing with the on and off nausea still!

What am I looking forward to: The big ultrasound! I cannot wait to see that everything is healthy and on track. Hopefully our little one will cooperate and we'll get to find out the gender as well! I am ready to call our baby by name. I'm also having a massage today and I have been waiting for it for 20 weeks!

Friday, July 23, 2010

19 weeks, 6 days

Earlier this week I ordered a home doppler on Amazon because it was very inexpensive. It arrived today and we have been listening to the baby's heartbeat! I told myself I wouldn't spend the money on a doppler but it was so affordable that I couldn't resist. Mom and I were listening and Toby barked in the same room we were in. The baby's heartbeat sped up. It was pretty cool. When Justin and I were listening, I noticed the heartbeat would speed up when we were talking too! Oh, and Mom was able to feel the baby moving for the first time this evening.

Monday, July 19, 2010

19 weeks, 2 days

I think I felt our little one move for the first time today! It didn't feel like anything I've felt before during the pregnancy. It felt like a bubble popping. That is the best way I can describe it. I felt it two or three times pretty close together. I wanted to feel it again but nothing! I look forward to seeing if it feels similar to movement as the baby begins moving more and more!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

19 weeks

How far along: 19 weeks, almost halfway there!

How big is baby: Our little one is the size of a mango, about 6 inches and 8.5 ounces on average.

Weight Loss/Gain: As of yesterday, I was up 10.7 pounds. This week I ate a lot of food and it wasn't always the best so I will focus on healthy eating this week!

Maternity clothes: Yep!

Next appointment: July 28th! We're going to be going in for the big ultrasound!

Movement: I don't think I've felt anything yet, but I'm looking forward to it.

Food cravings: Just sweets in general again this week.

Food aversions: Had a few days where chicken held no appeal again.

Best Moment this Week: Justin and I enjoyed a few days in San Antonio. It was hot, but it was also a nice change of pace.

Worst Moment this Week: I had horrible back and hip pain on Friday night that made it nearly impossible to sleep.

What am I looking forward to: The big ultrasound! I cannot wait to see that everything is healthy and on track. Hopefully our little one will cooperate and we'll get to find out the sex as well! Our furniture is also being delivered on Sunday so I'm looking forward to working more on the nursery!

Monday, July 12, 2010

18 weeks, 2 days

So, I found a link to a message board where people discuss all sorts of gender prediction websites and old wives tales. I couldn't help trying them out just for fun!

The predictor at http://www.chinesefortunecalendar.com/PredictSex.htm said girl for the dates I think are most likely for conception. The one at http://www.babygenderprediction.com/chinese-gender-chart.html was a little complicated to figure out but I think I did it correctly and it also said girl. I got a third girl prediction using the chart at http://www.webwomb.com/chinesechart.htm so it seemed there was a trend in the sites I visited today! Oh, I also answered the questions at http://www.amazingpregnancy.com/oldwivestales/index.phtml the best I could and got 40% of a boy and 60% chance of a girl.

I was reading a message board and someone posted about the biorhythm method. If I did it correctly, it looks like this one points to boy. This chart also had the new moon and full moon and we were in the new moon which points to girl. Of course, everything has a chance of being 50% correct! I guess this one will be correct one way or the other! I also tried the ring test and it circled which means girl. I was also reading about how your dreams show the opposite of what you are having and this does nothing at all for me since I had dreamed about having both. Of course, one was a robot so I don't know if that counts! :) Oh, and I read one more thing about the baby's heartbeat. It said that if it sounds like galloping horses then it is a girl and if it sounds like a steam train then it is a boy. At my last appointment, it definitely sounded like a stampede of horses. Do horses stampede?

According to Moon Theory (which I don't completely understand but it believes that the moon influences gender) it looks like the baby will be a girl. I believe I conceived in a new moon which sway towards girls. This also says that the sign the moon is in when you conceive can also sway. This is trickier because it could have been Aries (boy sign) or Taurus (girl sign) so I'm not counting it in "the count" I started on the post in June.

Adding all of these results to what the ones I did last month the count is: girl, 13; boy, 2. Either way, I'm entertaining myself while I wait until the 28th!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

18 weeks

How far along: 18 weeks
How big is baby: Sweet potato!
Weight Loss/Gain: As of this morning, I've gained 8.1 pounds.
Maternity clothes: Nothing new this week but I'm going to need some t-shirts soon.
Next appointment: July 28th! We're going to be going in for the big ultrasound!
Movement: I don't think I've felt anything yet, but I'm looking forward to it.
Food cravings: Just sweets in general. I'm enjoying Grape Nut Flakes and oatmeal still. Oh, and Arby's!
Food aversions: Nothing that I can remember this week!
Best Moment this Week: Our new floors were finished in the living/dining room. We also had ceiling fans put in the bedrooms. Plus we saw Wicked on the 4th and it was wonderful.
Worst Moment this Week: Thursday morning I had a horrible bout of nausea with dizziness and claminess. A window in our house was also broken in the middle of the night on Sunday.
What am I looking forward to: I'm looking forward to my 2nd wedding anniversary and spending some time in San Antonio. I'm also looking forward to our ultrasound, of course!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

17 weeks, 4 days

I had an appointment with my midwife this morning. I ended up having to wait awhile because someone was having a baby in the birth center! I didn't mind waiting because you never know if someone might have to wait when I'm giving birth.

Everything looks good. The baby's heartbeat was 160 today and I could hear it so clearly. The baby was off to the right but that is probably because my bladder was full and nothing to worry about. Measuring with her fingers, she said I'm about 18 weeks. So, even though my official due date on file with the midwife is December 11th I still think it's probably a few days earlier like I originally thought. Of course, our little one will make a debut when the time is right no matter what the estimated due date!

The most exciting news is that we got to schedule our anatomy scan. I'm looking forward to the ultrasound and getting to see the baby again. We're scheduled for the afternoon of July 28th. As long as the baby cooperates we will know if we're having a girl or a boy! I look forward to being able to call the baby by name for the second half of my pregnancy. In terms of names, we are definitely set on Evan for a little girl and now also been discussion Weston for a boy with the nickname Wes. Justin is still convinced that it is a girl and I admit that I can see us having a little Evan around. Most importantly, I'm hoping to see that everything is developing correctly and see a healthy little baby!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

17 weeks

How far along: 17 weeks
How big is baby: Onion!
Weight Loss/Gain: As of this morning, I've gained 7.4 pounds. Down a little from last week.
Maternity clothes: We ended up getting some great bargains at the Gap and then we also stopped in Motherhood Maternity because I am getting close to needing jeans. So now I have a good little assortment, some of which is going to work well for work in the fall.
Next appointment: This Wednesday and we should get to schedule the big ultrasound!
Sleep: Sleep was a bit better this week although it varies from night to night and I toss and turn a lot.
Movement: I don't think I've felt anything yet, but I'm looking forward to it.
Food cravings: This week oatmeal tasted pretty good and I also bought some summer peach ice cream that was delicious!
Food aversions: Nothing really set me off this week. I even had some chicken for dinner a few nights this week!
Best Moment this Week: Our nephew, Grant, was born! Both mom and baby are well!
Worst Moment this Week: Had a bad bout with nausea last night. One of the worst lately.
What am I looking forward to: I'm looking forward to seeing Wicked tomorrow, my appointment on Wednesday, and going to San Antonio next week to celebrate our second anniversary!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

16 weeks

How far along: 16 weeks
How big is baby: Avocado!
Weight Loss/Gain: It goes up and down, but I've gained 7.7 pounds as of this morning
Maternity clothes: I still have my one pair of shorts but it looks like I'll need some jeans soon though!
Next appointment: Wednesday, July 7th!
Sleep: My sleep isn't great. I wake up a lot to go to the bathroom and my dreams have been waking me up a lot too.
Movement: None yet!
Food cravings: Sugary treats! Cookies, cake, milkshakes, they all sound good! Also fried foods like french fries and fried pickles always sound good! I've rediscovered Jack in the Box tacos too.
Food aversions: I wasn't big into chicken again this week.
Best Moment this Week: Being able to workout every day this week and having the energy to do it! We also got a great deal on the breast pump I was planning on getting!
Worst Moment this Week: Still have some nagging nausea later in the evenings.
What am I looking forward to: The big ultrasound, of course! It will get scheduled when I go in for my next appointment. We're hoping to schedule it for Wednesday, July 28th.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

13 weeks, 4 days

Today was my second appointment at Nativiti. I met Karen, another midwife who works there and who I will be seeing until Katherine is back from her maternity leave. All of my bloodwork came back great and I found out that my blood type is A positive. I never knew this so it's great to know!

My mom went with me so she could hear the heartbeat. It was another surreal experience to hear the heartbeat on the Doppler! But it was so amazing. The heartbeat was 130 bpm and such a beautiful sound! My due date has also been moved back a bit to December 11th, so now I'm only 13 weeks and 4 days pregnant but still in 2nd trimester. I'm feeling pretty good these days and that's what is important!

The heartbeat got me thinking about old wives tales about the sex of the baby and my mom and I were talking about them. They have a 50/50 chance of being right so I figured it would be interesting to look at a few!

Will the new moon be a girl or a boy?
According to the Chinese Gender Chart on the Bump, I'm having a girl.

They say that if the baby's heart rate is above 140, then it's a girl. If below, then it's a boy. So as of this morning, that would point to a boy.

The Mayan tale adds the mothers age at conception and the year of conception. If the result is a even number then mom is having a girl. If the result is an odd number then a boy is on the way! According to this, we are having a girl.

People believe that if you are craving salty foods while pregnant, you can count on having a boy. If you crave sweets, fruit, and orange juice, you are having a little girl. For me, this would point to a girl.

I tried the "eye test" which I'd never heard of before. The eye test is when a “V” or “branches” appear when you pull down the skin under your left eye. If you see a “V” or “branches” in the white part, you’re having a girl. I have a “V”, so one more point for a girl.

If you eat the ends of bread, it’s a boy. If you eat the middle of the load, it’s a girl. I’ve never liked the ends of bread and always have eaten from the middle! Another point for a little girl.

If you had a smooth pregnancy with no morning sickness, it’s a boy. If you were sick or felt really nauseous during your pregnancy, count on a girl. During first trimester I didn't throw up, but I’ve been extremely nauseous more often than not. So another point in the girl column.

Those are all I looked up so far and based on those it looks like the count is: girl, 6; boy, 1.

We also have some predictions in from friends and family. My mom thinks a girl. Justin thinks a girl. April says girl. But Genna says boy. Who will be correct?

Friday, June 4, 2010

13 weeks, 2 days

Last week I found out that I had possibly been exposed to Fifth disease a few weeks ago so I got some blood drawn to see if I had the antigen. I got my results this week and I am not infected and I have been exposed before! That means I'm not at risk and neither is our little one. Although I wasn't too worried about it, it's nice to know for sure.

I bought my first maternity item today because I needed a pair of shorts! I'd looked a few places but finally found a pair at JCPenney that were comfortable but not too baggy in the legs. So, at least I'm set with one pair of shorts that should last me through the summer.

I gained around 4 pounds through my first trimester which I've read is fairly average so I'm feeling pretty good about that. My nausea seems to be improving as well. School's out for the summer so I should be able to get as much rest as I need now too!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

12 weeks

It's hard to believe I'm 12 weeks pregnant already, but it's true. Two nights ago I had my first dream about the baby. It was the middle of the night and the baby didn't want to sleep! Before I know it that will be my reality, but I still woke up with a smile on my face after the dream.

This week the baby is the size of a plum and almost all of the vital systems are formed. I'm still pretty tired most of the time and dealing with the nausea in the afternoons and evenings. But the end of the school year is in sight and I'm looking forward to spending the summer and second trimester at home!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Fluffy Bottoms Cloth Diaper Event!

Summer seems to be bringing a lot of exciting things on some of the blogs I follow! Starting June 1 and going through June 30, Stephanie at My New Life as a Mom will be hosting the Fluffy Bottoms Cloth Diaper Event! It's a month long cloth diaper event shedding some light on cloth diapers. There will be discussion of styles, price comparisons, misconceptions, and giveaways! If you want to get a head start on the entries, head over to check out the requirements. I'm looking forward to getting more exposure to different styles and seeing some price comparisons!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

11 weeks

The past week did not go quite as quickly as others have gone but that is partially because the end of the school year is so close and that seems to make some days drag and others fly by. The past few days have been a bit better in terms of feeling sick. The mornings have been better, although the afternoons and evenings can still be rough. Still, I'm hoping the end of the constant nausea is in sight!

After reading some tips on a blog I follow, I've started entering giveaways on blogs for different baby related items. Winners are chosen at random, so I figured it was worth entering! I have as good a chance as everything else to win, right?

Well, this week I won two that I entered! I won an AIO cloth diaper and an adorable moon shaped nightlight! For the diaper, I got to choose the color I wanted so I went with a sage color because it is neutral and I don't have anything in that color yet.

The nightlight is made by KinderGlo and it never gets hot to the touch! We can change the color settings and choose between fade off in 30 minutes and stay on all night! Plus, I liked it because it was shaped like a moon!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

10 weeks

It's hard to believe that I am already 1/4 of the way through my pregnancy. I have a feeling this is going to go very quickly but I am trying to value every moment even when I'm extremely fatigued and nauseous everyday. I'm hoping for that to fade in second trimester. Next month I will be in my second trimester already! Summer goes by so quickly anyway, so I cannot even imagine how it will fly this year! I pray for our little one each and every day, just praying that she or he is growing and thriving.

I've been purchasing cloth diapers as I have found deals and coupons. I'm working on building up a newborn stash with a good variety. Then I'm hoping one-size diapers will work once the baby is bigger. This diaper buying stuff is addictive though!

We're also getting ready to begin working on the nursery. We had already cleared out all of the furniture (except for the matresses as we are planning on having at least one summer visitor) and will be painting all of the walls. I haven't bought much for the nursery lately, although I'm still in love with the elephant I bought off Etsy. I think it may be my favorite item so far, although the nightlight I got at Target is definitely a close second for favorite nursery decoration.

This is from an Etsy seller and Toby really wants to get his mouth on it! She makes other animals too, but I've restrained myself so far!

This is the nightlight. I saw it in a photo of another nursery and had to go to Target to get it! It's the perfect blue to match the bits of blue in the bedding.

We also bought a set of 4 prints from Etsy that we're going to crop a bit and frame for the room.