Waiting on the world to change...

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

17 weeks, 4 days

I had an appointment with my midwife this morning. I ended up having to wait awhile because someone was having a baby in the birth center! I didn't mind waiting because you never know if someone might have to wait when I'm giving birth.

Everything looks good. The baby's heartbeat was 160 today and I could hear it so clearly. The baby was off to the right but that is probably because my bladder was full and nothing to worry about. Measuring with her fingers, she said I'm about 18 weeks. So, even though my official due date on file with the midwife is December 11th I still think it's probably a few days earlier like I originally thought. Of course, our little one will make a debut when the time is right no matter what the estimated due date!

The most exciting news is that we got to schedule our anatomy scan. I'm looking forward to the ultrasound and getting to see the baby again. We're scheduled for the afternoon of July 28th. As long as the baby cooperates we will know if we're having a girl or a boy! I look forward to being able to call the baby by name for the second half of my pregnancy. In terms of names, we are definitely set on Evan for a little girl and now also been discussion Weston for a boy with the nickname Wes. Justin is still convinced that it is a girl and I admit that I can see us having a little Evan around. Most importantly, I'm hoping to see that everything is developing correctly and see a healthy little baby!

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