Waiting on the world to change...

Saturday, October 30, 2010

34 weeks!

How far along: 34 weeks! Only 6 weeks until D-day!

How big is baby: According to the Bump, Weston is about the size of a honeydew during weeks 33 - 36. Average size is 17.2 - 18.7 inches and 4.2- 5.8 pounds! His senses are continuing to improve -- when light peeks in through my (extremely) stretched belly, his tiny eyelids and irises blink and dilate. And, he can now recognize and react to simple songs… time to start practicing lullabies! Growth (at least inside the womb) is starting to slow, and I may notice baby descend into the pelvis at the end of this month.

Weight Loss/Gain: I'm up around 26 pounds now which is right on track for about 32 gained if I continue to gain a pound a week.

Maternity Clothes: Yep! Also bought my first nursing tank and nursing bra this weekend!

Next appointment: This Wednesday, November 3rd. I'm going every two weeks now!

Movement: Despite everything I read about him running out of room, he's still an active little guy. He continues to have the hiccups one more more time a day too.

Food cravings: Sweets! I need to calm down in this area or I will be putting on the pounds before I know it!

Food aversions: Not exactly an aversion, but I've learned that my mexican days may be over for the next 6 weeks or at least my salsa days. The spicy food did not sit well with me last night.

Best Moment this Week: We finished our birthing class this week and learned all about what will go on after Weston was born. It was exciting and yet another experience that felt right to me. We've definitely made the right decision by going with Nativiti.

Worst Moment this Week: I've been battling nausea in the evenings again although last night was my first real bout with heartburn after eating some spicy salsa. I was pretty miserable.

What am I looking forward to: I have a baby shower at work this week and Justin will actually be with me at school that day, so that is exciting! I'm also looking forward to going to my appointment on Wednesday.

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