Waiting on the world to change...

Saturday, October 30, 2010

34 weeks!

How far along: 34 weeks! Only 6 weeks until D-day!

How big is baby: According to the Bump, Weston is about the size of a honeydew during weeks 33 - 36. Average size is 17.2 - 18.7 inches and 4.2- 5.8 pounds! His senses are continuing to improve -- when light peeks in through my (extremely) stretched belly, his tiny eyelids and irises blink and dilate. And, he can now recognize and react to simple songs… time to start practicing lullabies! Growth (at least inside the womb) is starting to slow, and I may notice baby descend into the pelvis at the end of this month.

Weight Loss/Gain: I'm up around 26 pounds now which is right on track for about 32 gained if I continue to gain a pound a week.

Maternity Clothes: Yep! Also bought my first nursing tank and nursing bra this weekend!

Next appointment: This Wednesday, November 3rd. I'm going every two weeks now!

Movement: Despite everything I read about him running out of room, he's still an active little guy. He continues to have the hiccups one more more time a day too.

Food cravings: Sweets! I need to calm down in this area or I will be putting on the pounds before I know it!

Food aversions: Not exactly an aversion, but I've learned that my mexican days may be over for the next 6 weeks or at least my salsa days. The spicy food did not sit well with me last night.

Best Moment this Week: We finished our birthing class this week and learned all about what will go on after Weston was born. It was exciting and yet another experience that felt right to me. We've definitely made the right decision by going with Nativiti.

Worst Moment this Week: I've been battling nausea in the evenings again although last night was my first real bout with heartburn after eating some spicy salsa. I was pretty miserable.

What am I looking forward to: I have a baby shower at work this week and Justin will actually be with me at school that day, so that is exciting! I'm also looking forward to going to my appointment on Wednesday.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Giveaway win!

I forgot to update about this but a few weeks ago, I won another blog giveaway! I won a PlanetWise wet/dry bag which was great because I had already ordered a PlanetWise wet bag for in Weston's room, but needed one for downstairs! I chose the Geometric Studio print for downstairs. It's nice to win something you were going to purchase anyway!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

33 weeks!

How far along: 33 weeks with just 7 until our due date!

How big is baby: According to the Bump, Weston is about the size of a honeydew during weeks 33 - 36. Average size is 17.2 - 18.7 inches and 4.2- 5.8 pounds! His senses are continuing to improve -- when light peeks in through my (extremely) stretched belly, his tiny eyelids and irises blink and dilate. And, he can now recognize and react to simple songs… time to start practicing lullabies! Growth (at least inside the womb) is starting to slow, and I may notice baby descend into the pelvis at the end of this month.

Weight Loss/Gain: Weighing in this weekend, I'm up about 24 but I think overall it's more consistently between 25 - 26 pounds.

Maternity Clothes: Yep!

Next appointment: November 3rd. I'm going every two weeks now!

Movement: He's still rolling all around despite everything I read about how he should be running out of room.

Food cravings: Just enjoying sweets, as usual. I'm also enjoying these egg breakfast sandwiches that weight watchers makes. They are like egg mcmuffins without any meat.

Food aversions: Nothing much this week.

Best Moment this Week: Measuring right on track at my appointment and I also got to hear Weston's nice strong heartbeat! I was also excited on Friday when we hit the 50 days left mark!

Worst Moment this Week: I didn't feel very well on Thursday. I was tired and nauseous all day. My red raspberry leaf tea seems to help a bit though.

What am I looking forward to: I'm looking forward to our final birthing class because we will be one step closer to Weston's arrival. I'm also taking a breastfeeding class in November that I'm hoping will be very informative.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

32 weeks!

How far along: 32 weeks and only 8 to go until our due date!

How big is baby: According to the Bump, Weston is about the size of a squash during weeks 29 - 32. Average size is 15.2 - 16.7 inches and 2.5 - 3.8 pounds! His energy is surging, thanks to the formation of white fat deposits beneath the skin. He is also settling into sleep and waking cycles. All five senses are finally functional, and the brain and nervous system are going through major developments.

Weight Loss/Gain: 24-25 pounds gained so far. I've gained like 5 since my last appointment.

Maternity Clothes: Yep!

Next appointment: October 19th.

Movement: Weston has the hiccups at least once, if not twice a day! He's still a mover and shaker.

Food cravings: I've been really enjoying raw broccoli this week.

Food aversions: Nothing much this week.

Best Moment this Week: Not baby related, but passing the exam I needed to pass to be cleared by my grad school to take the principal certification test. The end is so close! I just have to finish my current class and take one more, then I will have my master's and once I pass my principal's test, I will be certified to be an administrator!

Worst Moment this Week: Sleeping is beginning to be a challenge!

What am I looking forward to: I have another baby shower next weekend and I'm really looking forward to seeing some of the people who are invited!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Storybook Shower

Last Saturday, my MIL and SIL hosted a beautiful shower for me and Weston. The shower had a storybook theme and it was so adorable. The weather was perfect for the shower to be outside and it was just a beautiful day. We received so many generous gifts and it was so touching to know how loved Weston will be by both family and friends. I felt extremely blessed by the entire event. We are very prepared for Weston's arrival after all of the gifts we received and I also got to enjoy some wonderful food and cake! It was a fabulous day and I am so thankful to both my MIL and SIL for taking the time to plan such a beautiful event for me.

Birthing Class, week 2

Last night we went to our second birthing class. When we got to Nativiti, there was a family who had just had a baby a few hours before. They were eating their meal and the mom was walking around with the new little boy. It was amazing to see the newborn and to see how good the mom looked. The family headed home right after birthing class started, just about 4 hours after the birth. It's amazing to think that in just about 8 weeks or so, it will be our turn!

Birthing class was good last night. We discussed the early stages of labor and practiced some different comfort positions and techniques. We did our breath awareness activity with the ice cubes again and it was better than week one. I need to practice my breath awareness more and more though. We also got to roleplay where the dads were pregnant and the moms were supposed to be the comforters. I wasn't too great at that as all I did was laugh the whole time and the way Justin was moaning. I think he will be a much better comforter than I was! I was touched by the fact that later in the night he said that he wished he could just feel what a contraction really felt like so he would know.

It's hard to believe that with our second class over, we're already halfway done with birthing class! November will be here before we know it and we will be in the final stretches of this pregnancy. I remember how far away it seemed when we first found out in March and now I will probably be holding Weston in less than 60 days!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

31 weeks!

How far along: 31 weeks, now we're in the single digits -- 9 weeks until our due date!

How big is baby: According to the Bump, Weston is about the size of a squash during weeks 29 - 32. Average size is 15.2 - 16.7 inches and 2.5 - 3.8 pounds! His energy is surging, thanks to the formation of white fat deposits beneath the skin. He is also settling into sleep and waking cycles. All five senses are finally functional, and the brain and nervous system are going through major developments.

Weight Loss/Gain: Up about 24 pounds. I had a very tired week and wasn't as active as usual.

Maternity Clothes: Yep!

Next appointment: October 19th.

Movement: Weston has the hiccups almost everyday now.

Food cravings: Sweets! And chips and salsa.

Food aversions: Nothing much this week.

Best Moment this Week: Attending our first birthing class on Wednesday! It was exciting and interesting!

Worst Moment this Week: Thursday afternoon I was so tired I could barely keep going through the afternoon.

What am I looking forward to: Baby shower today! I'm looking forward to celebrating our wonderful blessing with family and friends!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Birthing Class, Week 1

Last night was our first birthing class. The class is 3 hours long, once a week, and lasts for four weeks. I remember when it seemed like it was so far away and now it's here. It's exciting and crazy! There are 6 couples in our class. 4 are having girls, 1 isn't finding out, and then there's us with little Weston. Last night we did a number of relaxation exercises and discussed worries and concerns we had. I felt like I have less fear than some of the other women in the class. I really feel confident in my body's ability to do this. Yes, I know there will be pain but it will be a different pain than I've ever felt in my life and it will be pain with a beautiful end result.

We also did an activity where we held ice cubes in our hand for a certain amount of time. It was painful! We discussed how we felt while we held the ice cubes. Then we did it again with the other hand, but our teacher talked to use through it and guided us to focus on different things. It still hurt but the time felt a lot shorter. She assured us that it was the same amount of time! It's definitely something to remember when the time comes. Focusing on other things seems like it will be very useful.

We also got a chance to do some birth art. We were supposed to think of something that was memorable about this pregnancy and draw it. It could be anything we wanted and it could be illustrated in any way that felt right. Just drew a home pregnancy test because the first thing that came to mind was that day I sent him the picture on his phone and asked if he could see the second line. Then he added a bunch more to represent how I went a little crazy taking tests over the days that followed! That was the first moment that came to mind for me as well, but as I continued to think of other moments, the ultrasound where we first saw Weston when he was a little gummy bear came to mind. Then I thought about the ultrasound where we found out that we were having a boy. Justin told me that he cried tears of joy and that will forever be with me. So, that was what I illustrated.

It was a good class overall and I felt very comfortable. Next week I think we're going to be practicing some comfort techniques and moving around. That will definitely make everything more real!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

30 weeks!

How far along: 30 weeks which only leaves 10 weeks until the due date!

How big is baby: According to the Bump, Weston is about the size of a squash during weeks 29 - 32. Average size is 15.2 - 16.7 inches and 2.5 - 3.8 pounds! His energy is surging, thanks to the formation of white fat deposits beneath the skin. He is also settling into sleep and waking cycles. All five senses are finally functional, and the brain and nervous system are going through major developments.

Weight Loss/Gain: Up about 22 pounds which is right on track.

Maternity Clothes: Had my first day where nothing felt like it fit right despite the number of shirts I tried on.

Next appointment: October 19th.

Movement: Weston has been very active again this week. Last night he had the hiccups!

Food cravings: Bring on the sweet stuff, of course. Had some fried pickles last night and they were good.

Food aversions: Nothing much this week.

Best Moment this Week: Justin got to see Weston making my entire belly move this week!

Worst Moment this Week: I was extremely tired this entire week and had one night where I was really nauseous again.

What am I looking forward to: This crazy month! Birthing class starts on Wednesday and then a baby shower next weekend. It's crazy to think we're getting this close!