Waiting on the world to change...

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

12 weeks

It's hard to believe I'm 12 weeks pregnant already, but it's true. Two nights ago I had my first dream about the baby. It was the middle of the night and the baby didn't want to sleep! Before I know it that will be my reality, but I still woke up with a smile on my face after the dream.

This week the baby is the size of a plum and almost all of the vital systems are formed. I'm still pretty tired most of the time and dealing with the nausea in the afternoons and evenings. But the end of the school year is in sight and I'm looking forward to spending the summer and second trimester at home!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Fluffy Bottoms Cloth Diaper Event!

Summer seems to be bringing a lot of exciting things on some of the blogs I follow! Starting June 1 and going through June 30, Stephanie at My New Life as a Mom will be hosting the Fluffy Bottoms Cloth Diaper Event! It's a month long cloth diaper event shedding some light on cloth diapers. There will be discussion of styles, price comparisons, misconceptions, and giveaways! If you want to get a head start on the entries, head over to check out the requirements. I'm looking forward to getting more exposure to different styles and seeing some price comparisons!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

11 weeks

The past week did not go quite as quickly as others have gone but that is partially because the end of the school year is so close and that seems to make some days drag and others fly by. The past few days have been a bit better in terms of feeling sick. The mornings have been better, although the afternoons and evenings can still be rough. Still, I'm hoping the end of the constant nausea is in sight!

After reading some tips on a blog I follow, I've started entering giveaways on blogs for different baby related items. Winners are chosen at random, so I figured it was worth entering! I have as good a chance as everything else to win, right?

Well, this week I won two that I entered! I won an AIO cloth diaper and an adorable moon shaped nightlight! For the diaper, I got to choose the color I wanted so I went with a sage color because it is neutral and I don't have anything in that color yet.

The nightlight is made by KinderGlo and it never gets hot to the touch! We can change the color settings and choose between fade off in 30 minutes and stay on all night! Plus, I liked it because it was shaped like a moon!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

10 weeks

It's hard to believe that I am already 1/4 of the way through my pregnancy. I have a feeling this is going to go very quickly but I am trying to value every moment even when I'm extremely fatigued and nauseous everyday. I'm hoping for that to fade in second trimester. Next month I will be in my second trimester already! Summer goes by so quickly anyway, so I cannot even imagine how it will fly this year! I pray for our little one each and every day, just praying that she or he is growing and thriving.

I've been purchasing cloth diapers as I have found deals and coupons. I'm working on building up a newborn stash with a good variety. Then I'm hoping one-size diapers will work once the baby is bigger. This diaper buying stuff is addictive though!

We're also getting ready to begin working on the nursery. We had already cleared out all of the furniture (except for the matresses as we are planning on having at least one summer visitor) and will be painting all of the walls. I haven't bought much for the nursery lately, although I'm still in love with the elephant I bought off Etsy. I think it may be my favorite item so far, although the nightlight I got at Target is definitely a close second for favorite nursery decoration.

This is from an Etsy seller and Toby really wants to get his mouth on it! She makes other animals too, but I've restrained myself so far!

This is the nightlight. I saw it in a photo of another nursery and had to go to Target to get it! It's the perfect blue to match the bits of blue in the bedding.

We also bought a set of 4 prints from Etsy that we're going to crop a bit and frame for the room.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

9 weeks

Today was our first appointment at Nativiti. Justin surprised me by deciding he wanted to come along! I met Katherine who will be my midwife although she is about to have her own baby so for the next few visits I will be with one of the other midwives. Katherine will be back in plenty of time for my delivery though!

They drew blood today and I handled it without any issues! They took 5 vials of blood and I didn't even have a problem. I was very proud of myself, to be honest. They will do all of the normal tests -- blood type, Rh, STD and HIV screenings, and all of that. I also decided to do the Cystic Fibrosis screening, although it would have no impact on anything. I did decide not to do the early screenings for Downs because it's another thing that wouldn't make a difference for us. After we did blood, we went over nutrition and other information, and then since we wouldn't be able to hear the heartbeat with the doppler she asked if we wanted to go next door to the ultrasound room and see the baby!

We were able to see the baby who looked like a little gummy bear. We saw the heartbeat and just how much the baby was moving! We then were able to have a vaginal ultrasound to get a clearer picture and hear the heartbeat! The baby measured 8 weeks and 6 days. According to the Bump, the baby is about the size of a green olive now! It was a great appointment and I scheduled my next one for June 9th which is the first week school is out for the summer!